
2010 New Years Resolution Review

The following is what I wrote for the upcoming year of 2010:

I'm not a quitter, I'm a go-getter. I'm determined to find what makes me happy. I will find what brings out my inner me. When I have achieved a goal, I feel on top of the world. I will win and re-win. I don't need anybody to get there. I will try new things, if I haven't tried it before; and when I do accomplish it, I will try it again. I will succeed. No stress. Nobody can harm me mentally. I am me. I will get it; whatever 'it' is. Victory consistently. I am full of energy. I will defend myself. Nothing but my goals will tie me down. Nothing.

I decided to pull it out and see how I was coming along with it. Have I kept my course? I will say I have had a few speed bumps and a wrong turn, but for the most part I am doing pretty well. I am trying a lot of new things, and I know I will succeed if I keep to all of them. I must remember ... victory consistently!


Chain of Fear

As I was walking downtown today I couldn't help but notice the amount of chains everywhere I looked. I took this picture with one thought in mind ... what are some chains that weigh me down? I guess there are a few that I need to weigh me down to keep me within the gravity of life... but there are a few I should and need to get rid of so I can spread my wings a bit more. I can't honestly put a finger on the one thing I fear the most, but I would say "the unknown" is something I fear on a daily basis. It worries me. You may wonder how I can worry about something I don't know anything about ... I know, it doesn't make sense. But I worry. So I'm working on breaking that chain. Until it is broken I will continue to search for chains downtown and as well as in my personal life. Plus, I've realized ... rust isn't always ugly!



Artist Appreciation: DAVID GARIBALDI

. Rhythm . Color . Culture . Energy .

Artist David Garibaldi

Born in Los Angeles in 1982, Garibaldi began creating at a young age. After relocating and growing up in Sacramento, it was not until high school, after walking away from a life of graffiti in the streets, that he turned his influences of hip hop culture into a positive direction. Unfortunately by then, it was too late to make up lost time in school, and he could not graduate. A season of hard times to come could not shake the drive of this young artist from pursuing his dreams.


"The Swagger Wagon"

I recently saw this video for the new Toyota Sienna Minivan.
This video is the ONLY reason I would ever consider getting a minivan!
Let me know what you think!
Click here ----> The Swagger Wagon.