
Chain of Fear

As I was walking downtown today I couldn't help but notice the amount of chains everywhere I looked. I took this picture with one thought in mind ... what are some chains that weigh me down? I guess there are a few that I need to weigh me down to keep me within the gravity of life... but there are a few I should and need to get rid of so I can spread my wings a bit more. I can't honestly put a finger on the one thing I fear the most, but I would say "the unknown" is something I fear on a daily basis. It worries me. You may wonder how I can worry about something I don't know anything about ... I know, it doesn't make sense. But I worry. So I'm working on breaking that chain. Until it is broken I will continue to search for chains downtown and as well as in my personal life. Plus, I've realized ... rust isn't always ugly!

1 comment:

  1. Gif I am the same way with like hoping everything in the future goes the way its suppose to. Especially moving away from my family just hoping they all stay healthy vice a versa and nothing bad happens. I love your posts! Better yet I love your face giffy!! hahahah
